Monday, July 5, 2010


Just got back from a conference held by the western churches of Sovereign Grace Ministries, which is called Together 2010. It was a great time of gathering as just a fraction of the body to worship God together, and sit under his word, which was graciously given by Dr. Bruce Ware. And I thank God for his Spirit which was at work in Dr. Ware as he was preparing, as he gave the message, and His work in me through what he spoke through Mr. Ware. I also thank him for continually for his Spirit in each of my family members and friends, and his work in them. It was encouraging also to fellowship with friends spread from various places of California and Arizona.

Gathering with his people is always up building, and being together specifically to worship corporately really is a heavenly like experience. I cannot wait till this preview is over and the ultimate gathering of the undeserving before the Holy God is forever. So we pray, your kingdom come!

I have so much more to say about this conference that I probably won't get around to all of it, but I hope to have another post soon covering a fraction of what God did in me.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yes and amen :) if we can feel His presence that incredibly and powerfully here on earth, if joining with less than a thosand people in worship is an awesome experience, how much more amazing is it going to be in heaven, where we will spend eternity worshiping Him in the company of believers from every tribe and nation?? I can't wait.