Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pen tool

Hey all, I finished up my time at LANWAN Professional, the company I was doing images for, and they didn't use all of them. So, I decided to show some of the ones I made/was in the process of making here...

Here is the one my supervisor liked. It wasn't my favorite version, but definitely my favorite project to work on.  

Here is an alternate version of the "Lifestyle" image I posted last time.

Ok, I know what you're thinking. Isn't this the same as that lady up in the first picture? Well, you're right. I did this for The Weekly Sketchbook, and posting something once a week and working was making me crazy. So, I just used the lady I had already made and created Ms. Scarlet. If it ain't broke, just change the colors. 

Here is some I did for the company. None of them feel quite finished yet, but whatever.

As you can see I used the same dude so you could sort of follow him through the process.

...Yeah you get the idea...

And here is the amazing Summer Olympics London 2012 image I did up yesterday before the games began! I love the Olympics, watch a bunch of fit people pushing themselves to their very best in order to compete for their country. Me? I support my appetite while feasting on Cheetos and Fishy Crackers doing my very best to hold the couch down. Oh ya, work it. 

For those of you who don't use Photoshop, the Pen Tool is a fabulous and under appreciated piece of programming. I created all of these babies basically solely wielding the pen tool, and as I hope you can see, 'twas totally worth it. 

So, I am too lazy to finish the April instead, I have this Olympic pic. Hope you like it, and I also hope you are watching the games! Those Cheetos aren't going to eat themselves least I hope not.