The thing that the man is pointing at says, The Love Tunnel. (above) I like to think that every drawing has a story behind it. I don't really know the story behind this one. But I do know it can be one of two things, either the boy has a romantic proposel in mind for his girlfriend. Either that or they're gender confused.
Either way, this picture makes me laugh.
(also the building in the upper-left is a tribute to my fav. ride at California Adventure, Tower of Terror)
Zac said that Cupid had hair, ha! Then he might as well be fat as well! Now, look at Cupid's eyes and his arm poisitioning, Cupid along with having hair, also has terrible aim.
This is me on Valentines Day.
Now if you didn't guess I have an opinion on this holiday. For those of you, who (like me) don't really like reading a long and opinionative post, I have summed up all I'm going to say in to this:
Valentines day might be all fine and good for those who "have" someone. To the rest of us (that don't), we can think of this holiday as a day to ponder 1 Cor. 16:14. Which says, "Let all that you do be done in love." (ESV) Which means that not just on Valentines day but also everday and in everything. So, we actually do "have" someone, we have God.
1 comment:
once again bro, i'm in love with these expressions! i want them to be MY valentine! i love when you can just hear the pic come to life, like the middle-aged cupid having archery difficulties ;) btw, if ya have God 4 valentine's, ... why's he sooo sad?
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