Saturday, December 31, 2011

I was going to say something about this...

...but now I can't think of anything.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I've always wondered...

When in doubt, ask Google. More Christmas stuff on the way!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do you recall?

Context? "You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen, But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all?" Wow. Wow. How stupid do you think we are Bing? Do you think we remembered the names of the all the obscure reindeer forgetting the name of the most famous one? This is a duh moment, and thus needed to be preserved in comic strip style.

Christmas songs have a lot of der-moments: Do you hear what I hear? No, I'm not you. Shall I play [my drum] for him? (Par-um-pum-pum-pum) First of all, you're already playing it (duh-duh-duh-duh-duh). And secondly, heck no! The child is shivering in the cold and probably trying to sleep! Do something useful. There'll be scary ghost stories and tales...that's enough. What family were you raised in? Ya, let's scare the kids on Christmas. Instead of opening gifts (which it doesn't mention in the entire song) let's freak out the children. What a good idea.
Not to be repetitive but I talked a little bit on this last year.

More epic der-moments to come as my month long Christmas posting continues.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Got some 'splain'in' to do!

Christmas time is here again, so settle down for story time with Ben! If the big sign I'm holding isn't self explanatory, let me clue you in on how much I love Christmas, and am not a Scrooge. Can't you see my big, otherworldly, and cheesy smile I have pasted on? Not to mention my loving and totally wanted one-armed side hug? Since I know you do see 'em, let me explain the sign a little bit...

Four score and back in July ago, my brother had the crazy idea to start listening to Christmas music *eh-hem* six months in advance. This I would be totally fine with me except for the fact that it's six months in advance. After having to put up with this in years past, I voiced my opinion, as in years past, and got some lame excuse about how Christmas break was the next break he had to look forward was lame. Thus our "family feud" continued into October but wasn't accompanied by Al from Home Improvement or that loud buzzing sound, and I decided to take my argument of playing Christmas music during Christmas time to the next level. The Internet. I informed the public of my brother's ill problem, but to my surprise and dismay, everyone supported him. Thus began a continuous, down word spiral of my beautiful name being soiled by the same crotchety one as Scrooge. That's crazy! Me in line with Scrooge? That's like putting Justin Bieber in line a good musician. It just is not right... I am only here to inform you folks how much I am not a Scrooge and how much a just looove hearing the songs of Christmas, all twelve of them, throughout the year. Can't you tell by my smile?

And just to show you how much I am a Ben (and not a Scrooge), I will be posting Christmas stuff all December long! Remember, I love Christmas!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wondering what I been working on?

Dis what I been working on! I know I have been gone for a long time but I was just so fond of the skull I just didn't want to post anything else.

So, I missed November. Sue me! But I do feel sort of bad that I was working on these storyboards for my music class all month and didn't post anything. I was busy working on this for my music class, paintings in my art class, and studying for history. However, I can now say that all of those are officially finished as of this morning! And to celebrate I am going to post a ton of Christmas stuff to bring a little cheer back to this blog. Yay! Go me! And Go Santa!