Friday, December 31, 2010


Well, 2010 is almost over, and I have nothing witty to say about it. The only thing I could say is what you could say every year, and that is that the transition time is confusing. For the first half of the new year you write the previous year by mistake (usually in pen). After that you get really confused and don't know what to write. At that point I try to think of something witty, which is usually along the lines of Cruella De Vil's lines: "You wretched, wretched pen!!!"

Anyway, I already put this banner up with my last post but it is sort of a transition. I hope to work on different banners for each month. However, they probably all won't be done until 2011, I mean 2012. Darn year change. Man, this is going to be a long year transition. Happy New Year Everyugly! I mean, Everybody. Haha *gulp* Wretched Pen!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was gonna comment, but then I read the end and was minorly offended especially considering that you were typing, not writing with a pen. So then...
...I commented anyway. Go figure. Haha
Regardless of how long it takes, I'm looking forward to seeing the new banners :)