Saturday, December 5, 2009

...'n Jake

Hey, sorry I had to post two in one day again. I would have posted them both in the same post, but then you couldn't click on them to look at 'em.

To explain the one below. I didn't draw it very well, but those are saws on the ground with the cut out of the barn with them. You can figure out the rest, bloke.

I decided that I would make some political jokes in this comic strip. It is just so easy to make fun of people in politics. Hey, maybe this will count for my U.S. Government class.

I'm having to hold myself back from posting Santa and from posting in Spanish. I'm really working on self-control here. Thanks for all your comments!


Emily said...
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Colin said...

Haha very witty, Ben. :)

Y son no problemas con escribando en EspaƱol.

L. D. Torres said...

si, este wero dice la verdad... pues, mas o menos.

yeah bro, I'm jealous of your heads!
no really, the cheeks, ears, nose, mouth, eyebrows, and eyes are very appealing! You've definitely found your style!

keep it up! ( oh, and some quick cc... work more on the build of your joke to better support the punchline ;) some english spoken not good might achieve this too by making the character's vernacular fit their persona )

Emily said...

yay for comix!! :)
very cool. looking forward to more :) and I got the joke so I didn't have to go choke which was good because I'm not a bloke...yeah. but then again I'm not a guy either so I guess I don't count.
I'm really curious as to your take on Christmas carol theology. and I think you should slip up just a little and post in Spanish. just once. don't worry, we won't tell on you. ok I won't tell on you. guess I can only speak for myself.
ok I'm done now. I think.

mattymash said...

Ben, I don't believe that your holding back from posting in Spanish. You obviously just don't want to post in Spanish for all the work you'll have to do. I'm not saying you should though. You just finished Spanish class, you deserve a break.