Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Check-Out lane (Pre-Halloween post)

In all my experiences in grocery stores and places like those, I haven't really seen that many good looking people working at the places. The worst looking people usually end up working ... the check out lane. Who came up with that name anyway?

The check out lane is the last place where I would want to be "checked-out." People who run these grocery ..(horror).. stores have demented senses of humor in calling it what they do, and then making the ugly people work there. That is why this Halloween I will be wearing a hoody, a face mask, my Groucho Marx glasses and fake nose, because I am not going to be checked out at the check out lane!


L. D. Torres said...

DOOOD!! Ur style is really startin to take on Shane Lewis's, especially the eyes! U may wanna practice hands a bit, but I'm one to talk.

That check out lady is classic! I'm pretty sure I've seen her at Ralph's... come to think of it, there's a strong possibility that she is in fact 'Ralph'. Perhaps her whole endeavor with opening the Ralph's business is a sad ploy to 'check you out'!


lol, btw, did u scan this without any blank sheets behind it? I can see some glasses or something...

Colin said...

Love it. especially the anchor on the lady's shoulder. Classic.