The other day some friends and I got on the subject of pirating movies. The topic actually brought back some old and nearly forgotten memories. In the little old city of Pasadena, I was great friends with my neighbors. One of my best friends happened to own of few of these "very early released movies" and in my blissful, young, 9 year old days this was awesome! I remember this one specific time I asked him how he got a movie when it just left the theater. "My mom goes to this place in LA, where they sell these." He said.
"Cool," I thought.
Another instance, which I can't remember was before that one or after, my friend brought over a movie that my other brothers already watched in theaters. I repeatedly asked about the bad quality of the film, and it was that day that I was really informed on the subject of "pirated movies."
So, about this drawing, if you can see it in the drawing, (which I blame entirely on not having a scanner) is that the pirate is pirating the movie on his cell phone. Other things about this drawing after looking at it is the skull on his hat, if the skull has no eye balls, why would he need a patch over his eye socket? Either that, or he should have two patches... Another thing is the movie that is playing, no, it is not supposed to be a real movie...if it looks just like one to you, then sure, that's what movie it is. If you're wandering what is happening in the movie, use your imagination. But the current line is, "Yes, yes it is true, I am a vampire."
And no, it is not Twilight... I can save a disgusted post on that another day. *Wags head in shame,* You poor, fooled, people you.
Well, on the subject of movies, I was bragging off the other day how I hadn't watched a movie in a long time. And I think maybe a week later I had managed to watch, Pirates 3, The Pursuit of Happyness, and Journey to the Center of the Earth. Let me tell you right now, as a part time movie critic, Pirates 3 and The Pursuit of Happyness, are must sees. Journey to the Center of the Earth might have been better if I had seen it in 3D, like the movie was filmed to be in.
All right, I will probably be posting again fairly soon, considering Thanksgiving and all that.
Bye all, see you soon.
"And no, it is not Twilight... I can save a disgusted post on that another day. *Wags head in shame,* You poor, fooled, people you."
*shakes head* Ben, what will it take to make you see the light?
More like the twilight Colin. And Ben, it is true that Journy to the Center of the Earth was made for
3-D. But even in 3-D it still wouldn't have been a very good movie.
From the guy who loves almost all the movies he sees.
Pursuit of Happyness is a must-see? Really? =P
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