Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Halloween story I made up as I went along. (Day late)

Jason ran home as fast as his 4th grader legs would take him. "Oh, boy," he thought. "Today's the day!" As he was running down the street he was thinking on what he should wear tonight trick-or-treating. After the crossing guard had held up the stop sign in her hand, Jason darted across the intersection.
"Better slow down," said the crossing guard. "We wouldn't want anyone having actual blood on their costumes."
Jason paid heed to the comment and slowed his pace a bit. When he arrived home his mom welcomed him with a loving smile,
"Hey, Jay, how was school today?"
"Fine," he said in quick breath ignoring the poem, and ran up the stairs. He caught his breath, and shot over to his closet. He reached in under his shirts and pulled out some drawings he had done the past week. He beamed, admiring his average 4th grade art work and walked over to his bed. He had to decide between one of his many sketches. Tenderly he looked at each one, eyeing it over twice to check each detail. Jason decided he would choose one of the following, a vampire, a mummy, a vampire bat, or a ghost. He then began thinking how any kid his age would, "Which would be the coolest?"
Vampire bat, was definitely the coolest choice... but how to make it? He searched around his room and couldn't find anything that seemed to match anything in his drawing. He strolled down stairs and showed his mom the choices. Making sure to accentuate the "awesomeness" of the bat.
"I think they all look great," she said, the typical mom response.
"I know," he said. "But how can I get the stuffs to make this?"
"Um," she said, looking around, "You could always look in your sister's room"
Jason shuttered at the thought, "Anywhere else?"
"Well," she said, putting her hand on her hip, looking at the papers. "I can think of how you could make some other wonderful, just as cool, costumes."
Jason knew where this was headed, and decided to look around the house for objects for the bat idea.
Jason crawled up the stairs to his room, and through the window he saw some kids from his school already starting trick-or-treating at the house down the street.
"Oh, no," He cried. "I'd better hurry!"
He quickly ran around his room in a panic, searching for anything that might solve his dilemma. Exhausted, he slumped down on his bed and tried to think of anything that would save him from total embarrassment. As bad as it sounded, he would have to go get his sister's help. He walked down the upstairs hall and knocked on her door.
"Yeah, what do you need?" he heard his sister call through the door.
"I need," he paused, trying to think of some way to get her to let him get the stuff he needed. "I will give you some of my candy if..." Just then the door swung open.
"If what?" she said in a lighter tone.
"If I can get some supplies for my costume." Jason replied.
His sister turned and slowly started walking back in her room, "How much candy are we talking?"
Jason had to think about that one, "Some," he said, still thinking.
"OK," She said starting to close the door. "See ya."
"No wait," he cried, "I will give you all the M&Ms I get tonight."
With that, she opened up the door and pulled him in the room. "So, what do you want to dress as?" she asked him, tugging away his drawings.
"The vampire bat!"
Jason watch her scrounge around the room, every once and awhile looking at the sketch.
He walked over to his sister's window and saw the kids crossing the street heading in the direction of his house. Panicked, Jason pulled the curtains shut.
"Here," she told him, "these will have to do. Now stand still."
She pulled out of her pants pocket a tape ruler, and measured Jason's arms and side.
Jason turned in the direction of the window, "How long is this going to take?"
"Do you want your costume or not?" His sister replied impatiently.
Then his sister started pulling out cloth, strings, face paint, and other things Jason had no idea what they were out of her closet. She worked delicately but quickly, Jason stood hoping he was starting to look like his drawing. What seemed like and hour to Jason, his sister looked satisfied and Jason slowly walked over to the bathroom mirror. He had turned to the side to fit his wings through the doorway. He looked at the mirror and looked at the drawing, they looked none at all the same. Jason was about to wail when he heard the doorbell. Stunned, he slowly walked toward his room.
"Jason," his mother called from downstairs. "Some of your friends from school are here."
Jason didn't know what to do.
"Jason," he heard again.
He knew he was licked, and had to go down the stairs and face his friends. He strolled down the stairs, feeling the paint dry on his face, continued down and walked to the front door.
He saw his mom looking at him, his friends, and other kids from school all watching him come.
"Wow, you look great, sweetie," his mother said.
Jason came a little closer, he saw his friends costumes, they didn't look that great. There wasn't anything special about theirs, they were the typical costumes. Some kids were ghosts, some were mummys, there were even some that were vampires, Jason was the only one there, and that he even saw that night that was a vampire bat! After Jason waved to his mom, he and his friends started around the neighborhood.
"Your costume is awesome, Jason!" said David. "Who made it?"
"I designed it," Jason said pulling out his drawings from his pocket. "But my sister made it."
"Wow," said Caleb, "Can you two make my Halloween costume next year?" And all the other kids asked the same question.
"Sure," said Jason, "but it might cost you your candy."

1 comment:

Colin said...

I like it. . . . You should do a drawing for it to show ur amazing skills.