Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May Banner! Finally!

I started feeling bad after my little cousin said I didn't post anything anymore, so at that moment, I started drawing this. This is the banner I have for May. What does it mean, you ask? Well, bear with me as I tell you a tale of a poor child who waited for Summer to come...

Once upon a time there was a poor child who waited for Summer to come.

Well, there you have it. The big reveal at the ending of the story is this: that little boy was me at the beginning of this month. School is hard when Summer is so close to anyone's grasp, but I made it through alright. Now that my classes at the community college are done, its time for fun.

So, see ya' later summer haters!


Keiren said...

Hahaha! Thanks Ben! I like the story. Must've taken minutes to make!

Unknown said...

wait...there are people who hate summer? what is the world coming to??

L. D. Torres said...

hey bro, I don't know if I've showed u these guys before, but there's this married couple who are both story-boarders and they are both totally awesome and fun artists. Their blog is