Monday, January 14, 2008

Another story

This week I have been reading Psalms and it's really good. People know me as the 'depressing one' but this week I read in Psalm 118 about that sort of thing and it really helped me. I'll prolly post about it and 119 in a while...
For school I have been going through Joshua, so today, I asked my mom what my writing assignment was for today, and she said that I would write something on the Fall of Jericho. (Which is in, Joshua; 5 and 6) She didn't say what kind of a writing assighnment this was so I wrote a story. :^D (btw the Jacob guy is just some guy in the camp)

Letters to Egypt
Ben Davis

Dear, Mother and Father,

You might think that we are in the land promised to our fathers and have been there for some time but, I, along with the other people have been wandering for forty years in the desert. Through out this time many trials and problems have come up. God heard that we were hungry, so he sent us food from the sky. We don’t know what it is so we call it Mana. It’s ok, but it’s nothing like your baking, mom. And we also have had quails to eat for meat, I would say that we can’t complain but we did, and still do. Now, Moses went up on some mountain to talk to God, and never came back. Some say that in God’s anger he burned Moses up from fires from the sky; others say that he was old and it was his time. Either way, he’s gone, and Joshua is our leader now. And mother and father, let me tell you I really much rather liked the way Moses used to lead us then this guy!

Well, I hope to write back to you soon,

Dear Mother and Father,

Just thought you’d be glad to hear that we are back on our way to the land God promised us! Sorry I haven’t written anything for a while, life’s been busy. Joshua told us that God wants a few things of us. Joshua said that the Lord said to circumcise the ones that were born in these forty years! Ooh, so glad I got that done when Moses was the leader. I’ve been wanting to forget about this whole “expedition” we’ve been on, and come back to Egypt to be a servant like you both are. Love you, father and mother, and can’t wait to be home.

Your son, (the one still crossing his legs),

Dear Mother and Father,

Last night Joshua, the new leader, sent out spies into the city of Jericho. Joshua said, that God is going to have us take the city. The men that Josh sent in stayed on the roof of some woman’s house and they promised her that when we take the city, she and her family will be spared. I’m a little scared, but others have faith that God will give the city into our hands, so I guess I can think about believing it.
Your peace loving son,

Dear Mother and Father,

Gosh, I’m tired! Joshua told us how God was gonna’ have us take Jericho. We have to walk around the city, for seven days, one time around it each day. (Except the 7th day where we have to walk around 7 times!) Today is the 5th day of walking, uughh. The priests are doing there own thing… I asked God in prayer, “How is this going to get us the city?” I didn’t get a response and while walking I stepped in a ‘Camel Pie’. I really miss home now…

Still scraping the droppings from between my toes,

Dear Mother and Father,

Wow, God is amazing! All the stuff God said would happen did! We marched around the city, this being the 7th and final day, then the priests blew trumpets and held the ark where God ‘rests’ then the walls fell flat! Wow, and just like the other men promised, the woman’s family wasn’t harmed. We are in the land promised to our fathers, (or um, you dad) and now I will never doubt that God can do anything!

Your, God fearing son,

1 comment:

Colin said...

Hey, that's good! Another point of view (camel pie point of view) on Joshua.

Still crossing his legs from the thought of circumcision....
