Sunday, August 2, 2009

For a rainy day...

I was saving this for a rainy day but then I realized I live in California. I haven't really had much time for drawing recently, (this one was on the same page as the last one) but I hadn't posted anything in a while...
I was actually waiting to post this till I heard back from my friend that works at Adobe about getting Photoshop for cheap.

In other news, my brother got a lot of new electronics which means I got all his old ones. One of the things he got is a new printer THAT HAS A SCANNER! So, hopefully no more taking pictures of drawings!!

Speaking of new electronics, one of the old ones of his I got was his ipod touch! Haha, it was amazing after only a couple hours of having it it already was a necessity.


L. D. Torres said...

DOOOD!!! I need an Ipod touch too! lol.

Hey great drawing! The proportions are very appealing and the eyes have a real Tom Bancroft feel to them!

you may want the nose underline to line up with the bridge line, instead of centered on it.

other than that, look out disney!

Emily said...

if you really did wait for a rainy day, you would have only had to wait 2 1/2 more months...which isn't all THAT long. lol.