Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I've decided that I will try to spend this post talking mainly of what had been happening to me recently, more specifically this past weekend.

For a while my mom asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday. "Nothing," or "Not much," I would reply. Over the course of time I could see my mom's eager need to do something but eventually she gave up the idea. So last weekend:

Friday started off as a pretty typical day, did some school after I woke up, then went to choir. Afterword the people in my youth group went over to the Card's to listen to Mike talk on bikes. Mike works at a bikeshops and knows and has done more with bikes than anyone else I think I know. I think. After getting home my mom surprised me when we arrived because she said that we didn't have to do any more school that day. Glad, I agreed to go with my mom shopping to spend my Christmas Michael's card and get some ice cream. On the way home my mom and I got into some discussion which held my attention; walking out of the car I was still pondering it.

Then I opened the front door.

Wow, I have never more surprised in my!! -Except maybe one time when I opened the door to exit the bathroom and Zac jumped out and got me. Good thing I had just went, or else I would have "went" in my pants.

So yes, the surprise was incredible! I open the door and Zac flashes a picture which nearly blinds me. And then there are all my friends. Wow, no wonder I was scared. Haha

We played games all night; too bad we didn't get to go Ice Blocking. Thanks to all my friends for coming, for the gifts, and for making my birthday so wonderfull! Some of my Pasadena friends came down and spent the night.

Saturday we those who stayed did some amazing ball tag all over the place! Later at church I played guitar and my dad preached. Saturday night after church we visited Colin at work. Man, I wasn't hungry till I stepped into those In N' Out doors. After I went to Pasadena with Daniel and he snored all night. Haha, ahh no Dan it's all good.

Sunday, my actual birthday, Dan and I went to church. Good job, Stephen, on the electric guitar! My dad preached there as well. I have to say I liked it better the second time.

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