Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nice, CA

Hey guys, it's me!! I just decided I would post a few of the pictures I took on our way to our family reunion. Yeah, this is actually a real picture. I thought I would get some photographic evidence so you would actually believe me. But I guess with computers and technology these days, it doesn't really matter. For all you know, the city could be called 'Sweet' or 'Fun' or 'Goody-2-Shoes'. Wait, now I'm starting to get confused...

On our way to the unclassified, named-city, we stopped in another town with another name.

What? You wanted to know what the name of the city is?

If you couldn't guess by the trolley, we went to Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood, Wait, I mean San Fransisco. You should have been able to get the real name from the clock though, right?

The cousins at Goody-2-Shoes. You know, I'm really proud of myself. For the first time in my life I am the only one looking the right way.

My, don't we look happy? Haha, this is everyone that went. And from the looks of it, we set the camera's timer on ten minutes instead of ten seconds. Click on the picture to enlarge it, and you'll see what I mean. Hahahaaa, just look at Joey's face.

On the way back from Glad, we stopped at California's Capitol.

So wait, tell me again why we picked a male-model to be the Governor? But I guess he matches the kinds of people in the state. He's not been too bad thus far... Well, that's all I have for now. It would have taken me hours to post all the pictures I took. But I'll save that for the next post. Thanks again for reading you guys!

1 comment:

Emily said...

the "welcome to nice" pic is my favorite. =P
the one of the clock is pretty amazing though.